PepsiCo's Total Portfolio Optimization (TPO) Tool

Total Portfolio Optimization (TPO) is a Holistic Cost Management tool that PepsiCo is using to enhance product performance. I enhanced its user experience through improved data visualization and streamlined decision-making processes.


Feb 2022 - May 2022 (12 Weeks)

My Role

UIUX Design


1 Product Manager, 3 UIUX Researchers & Designers, 1 Visual Designer


Figma, Adobe Illustrator


Current Situation

PepsiCo’s Total Portfolio Optimization (TPO) tool is a holistic cost management tool that enhances product performance throughout its lifecycle. It optimizes the products PepsiCo sells to align with market demand and operational capacity, aiming to maximize growth, and reduce waste. It involves making informed decisions about which products to continue, modify, or discontinue, based on data-driven insights into their performance, costs, and market trends.

Problem Scope

How might we simplify the TPO tool's interface and enhance its capability to provide actionable insights to improve user success rate and facilitating informed decision-making?

The issue lied in the TPO tool’s complex interface and insufficient actionable insights, which impaired user success rate and the decision-making process. Stakeholders find it challenging to navigate the tool with massive data and extract the next best action to enhance product performance.

Main User

This project is currently under a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Please contact me for more details at